Money, Greed, and Religion E

Scene 17

Hate, Politics, Government.
Imagine That

The world is a corrupt and controlled place. It’s filled with smoke and black mirrors, trickery and dark matter. We are blind to everything on purpose, especially when it comes to politicians and the elites. If anything, they are the main reason our society is collapsing. Anyone who has money, greed living in their heart and an institutionalized doctrine as their spine, I’d say.


Money is the root of our entire existence at this point. We work every day for a dollar that is deflating by the minute. Just for them to sell every basic need back to us to keep us broke. Gradually speaking, with the advancement of our society we got smarter at doing a lot of things. Humans were inventors and innovators with the idea of everyone’s success being important. However, because of our greed to have a lot of money, they built the workforce to over work us and then forces us to buy back everything we used to do and make ourselves.

Quickly analyzing the opposite; philosophers would argue more control equals a happier society. People like Thomas Hobbes are a great example of that ideology. His basic principles are as stated:

Every human is inherently greedy and selfish, therefore in order to escape the inevitable control by these people, we need more government protecting us from what the average selfish human can easily take away.

Thomas Hobbes

But that only works if you have the right people working in government from the start. And thanks to our founding fathers, that reality is much harder.

I think our system is bleaker than it is happy or hopeful. I believe we are failing as a human race. A downfall happens when too many people are in cohorts, and I believe we are currently in it. Or at the very least, the start of one. We used to thrive in smaller communities by sharing knowledge and making everything we needed. But now a lot more of what we had independently in the past, is becoming harder to obtain and do without money. All because of us growing in size.

Modern-day tribes in comparison to modern-day life, the tribes are thriving still. The difference? They are spending time with their families. They are farming, eating with the seasons, and drinking clean water. Not worrying or putting forth their egos or over populating. All in which, are critical in order to keep our mental health, healthy. I think the elites know that. By creating such a demanding workforce, those things gradually went away and without notice. We grew into becoming empty, goal-less people with mental conditions so prevalent, it’s hard to figure out if we were always like this.

The only reason why we have days off, is because back then people were complaining about not having enough time for family and normal activities. So, they gave them the weekends to do so. Ironically enough, I know some people who never get 2 days off in a row, now.

If you have no money, you have no health or livelihood. No family plan or no community and that is not okay when we can easily have all of those things for free.

Ali Ryerse

If they didn’t want to control us further and make us lose our inherent instincts and skills, why do it? Money and greed.


Greed is, argumentatively so, a trait that lives within us all. Regardless of how we were raised.

If you observe the world and how it works around this term, the commoners are the only ones getting in trouble for committing any kind of illegal greed. It’s the elites and politicians committing much grander offenses fueled by selfishness and power, but never getting punished for it. This is the mentality around success. Greed is how most people make it to the top and stay there, so it is hard to preach more selfless values to the community and have people follow it. Our entire system is designed for the greedy to get richer and to maintain a baseborn mentality among the simple, while making it harder for anyone to break the everyday mold of worthlessness.

That is when scholars begin to question. Only that the elites and government don’t want more people thinking for themselves, so they set us up to follow and only reap the benefits while setting aside their own morals to get the job done.

Ali Ryerse

Capitalism and the American Dream cloud our judgements thinking it could be us. Living in a capitalist society, while it does promote promise for anyone to be successful, it gives the green light for a lot of horrible things to happen in order for one to achieve that. Most politicians, on both sides of the aisle, continue to pass laws only for the greedy and self-righteous to benefit. Only because they are the ones paying the big bucks to get it done. Such as making household farming illegal and collecting rainwater, which is why Maine’s bill was such a big deal. I wonder what the world would look like if corruption wasn’t a thing?

Not only are they making basic needs illegal on an individual scale, but they also scrutinize us for wanting those liberties back. It messes up their greedy pockets.


Organized religion brews more ignorance than I have ever seen. They have everything they say memorized to the point it feels more like brainwashing than a loving community. But their members don’t care enough to notice…. It’s weird.

I’ve been to many churches in my day, and nothing had shocked me more than attending a Christian church. A “tolerant” Christian church at that. The first service I ever attended, the priest preached about gay people and how they we were all evil. Being gay while having pride was also a huge no-no.
Then, in the same breath, the priest projects the, “love thy neighbor,” message. Even though Jesus never wrote down a single word of what he knew.

Religion is actively redefining the word, tolerance. In my opinion, it’s another form of love to shame anyone else who opposes their invented beliefs. And because Christianity has a worldly following, it is easy to implement such nonsense. It keeps us fighting.

It maintains a following by telling you what is good and what isn’t, wording it in a way you never listen to any other outcome or to seek answers elsewhere.

Ali Ryerse

From some of the various people I’ve spoken with about the origins of religion, it wasn’t always about control but about promoting potential answers. It was also a way to form a sense of community. But as doctrine evolved into a more organized institution, it became about the number of members and followers; how to get them to join and stay. This is how evil stays prevalent so as to keep pushing people away from it. It has ruined the way we observe and form opinions of the world because religion tells us we will go to hell if adapting anything else independently. That’s why it makes perfect sense politicians get away with many of the same brainwashing tactics:

  • Dependency and Fear
  • Self-Criticism and Finger-Pointing
  • Love Bombing
  • Thought Terminating-Cliches

Some politicians may use religion as a weapon to further their agenda. Whether that be implementing a policy contrived from it, or simply speaking out against religion. Within the democratic party, dogma goes against some of their major human rights’ arguments. Such as, gay marriage, abortion, and the expression of sexuality. Even if one were to hold faith in this party, the public would look down on them further, so they use it as a reason not to be Republican. Whereas Republicans use dogma in the exact opposite for their agenda.

Doctrine being used within the veins of governments is not a new theory or truth. Back in the late 1600s, the idea of God was essential learning and required when the book, “The New-England Primer” became the main piece of literature everyone learned from. And would continue being so for the next 150 years.

Not that The United States was purposely built as a Christian nation (or was it?) but because of the doctrine already existing within our fathers’ hearts, it was easy to include. Now we all suffer under its consequence. Religion can be fine if practiced in its true form, but people have turned the Bible; it breathes so much of the opposite that it is harming our community as a whole.

How ever you want to slice it, they are exploiting religion regardless of if they hold true to it or not. And the communities who actively go to church tend to fall more to one side of the political spectrum because of the oppression they share. If religion really was about peace, acceptance and only existing to make the world a better place, the institutions are doing a very shitty job and accomplishing the exact opposite.

But I want to touch on a bigger and more apparent threat to our existence. Those 3 factors are not to blame entirely for the corrupt society in which we are living. It took decades of placing specific conditioning tactics into our communities without giving the suspicion by the people—the way they make us learn. Intuition and cognitive function have been declining for some time through everything they feed us. From the drugs we take, the chemicals we are exposed to in our diets, water and oxygen being contaminated…. Our failing education system.


There is no founder of education. The construct of schools was inevitable because of our strong will to learn. Humans by nature are critical thinkers. We have this need to discover, learn and try new things. We have the capability of creating our own thoughts towards life but because of our current system, most of us grew up being told not to exist outside of the norm. So, instead of witnessing a new wave of experts per generation, we see a huge cognitive decline by them controlling what we learn and how we should learn it.

Based on my research, young students sought out scholars, people who were older and wiser, to teach them things as they formed their own opinions about the world. This is no longer the case.

Brief History

In 1642, the colonies made a law stating that it was mandatory for every household with a child to learn the basics of reading, writing and the colony’s capital laws. For those who did not comply, your child would be placed somewhere to learn those things. It didn’t take very long for them to think this was a bad idea. Not the part about your child being taken away to forcefully learn these things… they came out with another bill making it mandatory for towns to hire a reading and writing teacher per 50 families to get the job done. But any areas with less than 50 families, were left to the previous design. Our schooling evolution continues until the late 1700s, Joseph Lancaster started a monitorial school—One-Room Schoolhouse, and this is the only thing that hasn’t changed to date.

The basic structure of his system was simple: the Master Teacher taught their knowledge to the kids who were more perceptive, and knowledge driven, those “super” kids would then turn around and teach their peers. This structure became very popular and began to sprout around the world during the 19th Century. Unfortunately, because of the previous 1640s law excluding areas with less than 50 families, this was considered “proper” education inevitably dividing us into classes. It became something for the middle class/rich folks only.

People like Horace Mann of Massachusetts became one of the reasons why we have separate education tiers with mandatory assessments.

He sold this idea as a way for all students, regardless of status, to participate in learning. He wanted a brick and mortar with approved topics to teach kids about what the legislation, at the time, thought was important. Not the student with the questions. Talking to them about something with a planned-ahead-of-time topic was the new cheap, but functional option.

Now as a Result

Our structure of education makes us all brain dead because we are no longer seeking answers from multiple people who know better. We are no longer learning from our peers because we are placed in a classroom full of students who also, “don’t know.” Except the one teacher in front of us who rather not be there anyway.

We have waived so much of the good intentions of what school should have been, that it merely only caters to a listless, stale society. The instinct of wanting to learn is dwindling down to dust. We are starving our kids with school lunches while dumping empty nutrients into their bodies. The lack of sleep and robotic way of walking from classroom to classroom… leaves no room for the mind to wonder about the world, let alone pay attention to what is being taught. No fresh air is entering into their lungs and for long periods of time, sitting. Which slows our bodies circulation and metabolisms down. How does any of that build a smart individual?

On top of everything else, instead of these schools challenging our minds to grow better cells to make us smarter, the education system is conditioning us into thinking, forming thoughts of our own is completely wrong. It’s all about how much information we can cram into long tiring hours so we can look good taking a test (all thanks to Horace Mann) or memorizing instead of learning. This style of education is how you make sure no scholar is fully developed to make change.

Here in the United States, we are at a point where the government is the only entity with complete control over what we learn and how we should think, they are stamping an F on any paper thinking outside the box. We see the 21st century college students afraid to express their real thoughts towards life, because they think their liberal teacher will do just that. This is not freedom of thought; this isn’t learning, and it certainly is not how we should feel in school.

People were smart on their own and intuitive and they had the freedom to self-educate. Scholars like, Socrates and Jesus, educated their communities because they were inherently deep thinkers. It’s how all the great minds in history came to be.

Every generation is learning the same way, reading the same books and the institution is within their every right to leave out anything they wish. Complete opposite to places like Finland, who have one, if not the, best school system in the world.

Ali Ryerse

In Conclusion

We are all at the mercy of greed, money, religion, and poor education. Our cognitive capabilities are at an all-time low, especially here in The United States and they know it. We have gone on for too long doing the wrong thing and it will take just as long to completely dismantle. Take care of yourself and don’t be afraid to challenge the man. Our system could start that long journey of change, if the majority are screaming the loudest.


Education Today – Education In Early America (
8 Brainwashing Techniques Manipulators Use (without You Even Knowing) – Learning Mind (
Fallacy #10: The Thought-Terminating Cliché (
The New-England Primer | textbook | Britannica
Horace Mann | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Three Surprising Reasons Why Democrats Avoid Religion – American TFP
10 reasons why Finland’s education system is the best in the world | World Economic Forum (
The New England Primer – High Point History (

Interesting Reads

Human Consciousness and Quantum Physics: Why You Should Care – Front Street Journal (
Who Invented School? | Science Trends

Spotify Post Playlist


I will not bathe in the blood of my peers, but in the blood of those raging for a life in tyranny.